reintroducing // Mauwe

I’m currently sat in my living room, post-dinner, with a bit of a bad stomach and just staring at the artwork for the new Mauwe track, ‘Smoked A Pack‘. Dying for an ice cream, right now. I saw Russell Brand last night, which was hilarious, outrageous, and insightful. I’m now re-watching the documentary he did about … More reintroducing // Mauwe

introducing // Mauwe

I’m currently sat in the living room of the flat I moved into last night, and I’m exhausted. I hate unpacking and I hate moving. The bedroom is a mess, and there’s not enough room for all my stuff, but I’ve managed to set up the TV and PS4. Priorities. I’m shattered. So, here’s another post. I … More introducing // Mauwe